Tech Made Simple
This is the podcast of Michelle Guerra, a friend of mine here in Houston, Texas. She specializes in helping businesses be more efficient with their technology. Her podcast is a mix of practical tips, such as “How to Check Your Mailbox With Your Smartphone” or “When to Power Down Your Device” to more in-depth interviews with industry experts.
Technology can be super overwhelming, and I love how Michelle simplifies tech and teaches me how to maximize my current technology for my business.

The GaryVee Audio Experience
This podcast is hosted by entrepreneur, CEO, investor, vlogger and public speaker Gary Vaynerchuk.
He offers insight on marketing and business, and I just love him for his rawness and unfiltered advice. He speaks the truth and is very genuine and humble. Discussions include topics like “Why Entrepreneurship Isn’t for Everyone” and “Mastering the Ability to Not Judge Yourself and Others.”

The Goal Digger
This is a live-workshop style business podcast hosted by Jenna Kutcher on how to own and operate a successful business.
I am a branding strategist, and I find inspiration in her brand and how comfortable she is in her own skin. She’s all about girl power, and I love that. But she also offers business, branding and marketing advice that I use for my own business and when I work with clients.
Topics include “5 Simple Ways to Refresh a Stale Business” and “Are You Making One of These 5 Classic Marketing Mistakes?”

Earn Your Leisure
Rashad Bilal and Troy Millings interview experts in the sports, entertainment and business industry. I like this podcast because it not only gives me behind the scenes insight into how other business owners operate but it also gives me ideas for creating multiple streams of income. They touch upon everything from real estate, the music industry, inspirational stories and financial advice.
They also host events such as their upcoming EYL ATL Experience Weekend Takeover that will be on January 26th in Atlanta. Go check them out.
Those are four of my favorites, but I am always on the lookout for resources of fresh business advice. What are you listening to? Share your favorite podcasts in the comments section.
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